Skew rolling mill from Suchuang Machienry

This  skew rolling mill  is used to produce metal balls which used in the area mine, has the feature of high efficiency and low cost, the diameter of the balls can be produced are 20 mm, 30 mm, 45 mm, 60 mm, 80 mm.100mm

The skew rolling mill is new technology of producing various shafts, compared with common forging, casting and machining, the processes have many remarkable advantages. The productivity is as 3-10 times as that of conventional processes, the material consumption can be reduced by 20-35%, comprehensive mechanical properties of work pieces rolled by the processes increases about 30%, service life of the dies increases about 10 times, and there is no pound and low noise. The processes apply to produce commercial shafts and balls used in automobiles, tractors, electric motors. and other machines.

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